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Integrated ad campaigns

Integration provides brand unity and a lift. We create campaigns to work seamlessly in traditional tv, radio, print and outdoor alongside digital media and internal channels. We build, extend and track stories through the marketing mix.

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Sample integrated campaign

Case study archives

case study situation

Unknown in a crowded market

The Affordable Care Act created the opportunity for the creation of nonprofit health insurance CO-OPs. The new Obamacare plan was offered on a new health exchange in a competitive marketplace. Oregon's Health CO-OP needed to build trust, share a unified message, extend their reach, build awareness and find their customers. Dojo Agency was selected as their Agency of Record.

Case study solution

Health insurance that dares to listen

We created an integrated campaign based on the values of the plan, guided by and owned by the members. We scripted, illustrated and produced numerous campaigns that included the Health Buds characters and began with the CO-OP’s manifesto. We produced a range of videos for ad buys, for education and for simple online sharing. We combined radio, outdoor and digital to extend the story. The manifesto we created was painted on the walls inside their headquarters. We created targeting campaigns to find super fans among targets and networks. Surround campaigns helped to connect us with influencers through their professional societies. Awareness campaigns allowed us to communicate directly with audiences, to share core messages.

Case study results

CPA $85 with engagement up 400%

We dropped the cost per acquisition from $250/customer to $85 based on our pay-per-click Google Adwords, integrated SEO, landing pages and re-marketing campaigns. We averaged 1,000 engaged, authentic Facebook fans, per month for five months. We did this with real voices who built a community with care, dedication, vision and a nonprofit mission to provide access to health care. "We are all welcome at the CO-OP." The campaign delivered on the value and promise of the Affordable Care Act as we also received many positive reviews. Thanks to our success, we also produced campaigns for CO-OPs around the country, including Chicago, Milwaukee, Salt Lake City, and Denver.